Special Educational Needs and Disabilities
Pupils with identified Special Educational Needs are welcomed at Ninelands.
A graduated approach is followed throughout school in order to rapidly identify any potential barriers to learning and to implement support in a timely and appropriate manner.
The special needs co-ordinator (SENCO) is Mrs Jo Tinker and her e-mail address is senco@ninelands-school.co.uk She works in school on a Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.
We also have a named governor with responsibility for SEND, Miss Lauren Hutchinson.
The majority of SEND children are supported though the implementation of Individual Provision Maps (IPMs) and Support Plans at the 'School Support' stage. These are written internally by teachers or externally by specialist support services and agreed with parents.
Children with more complex needs may have an Education Health Care Plan (EHCP) and targets and support are agreed in conjunction with the Local Education Authority.
The governing body, together with the headteacher, discuss and establish appropriate staffing and funding for special needs. The vast majority of SEND funding comes from the existing school budget. The school may receive 'top up' funding for children with more complex needs through ‘Funding For Inclusion’ from the Local Education Authority. There are specific dates when such funding can be applied for.
Where children are not making the expected progress, class teachers will adapt their teaching to meet the needs of individual pupils. This can involve a range of strategies, including but not limited to, the implementation of additional scaffolds, visual prompts, additional adult support, intervention groups or classroom adaptations. In some cases the action will mean the child’s needs are resolved. Those children whose progress or attainment is significantly below their peers, or who have a specific difficulty, will be placed on the SEND register. If we feel that your child’s needs should be closely monitored in this way we will contact you and discuss the situation with you. Some children may be referred to outside agencies for further support. We will keep you informed as to how your child is progressing at all times and suggest ways in which you can help to support your child’s learning at home.
For children who have particular physical needs, we are fortunate to be able to offer two hygiene suites, one in each building, with hoisting, washing and toilet facilities. There is a lift in the KS2 building to aid disabled access to the upper floor.
Support from outside agencies may include the Educational Psychologist, Speech and Language Therapist, Occupational Therapist or Area Inclusion Partnership, to name a few.
The school’s Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Policy meets the requirements of the Code of Practice for SEND. For more information, please see the documents hyperlinked below.
Useful information and links: